Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Art of Happiness


The art of being happy is to appreciate the things that we already have. This means that we are aware of these things and perceive them with mindfulness. This mindfulness in perception will help us to get in touch deeply with the treasures of the present moment. In this way, all these treasures turn into countless reasons for us to be happy. And when the conditions for our happiness are no longer available to us, we don‘t feel any regret because we have already savored and enjoyed the happiness in them.

When we come back to ourselves and observe ourselves, we will see that our mind is always running after its confusing ideas in the future. Doing that, it misses all the beauties that are a reality right here and now. We often recognize our true treasures only when we‘ve already lost them again. It is really a pity if we only learn to understand and appreciate the things when they‘ve already passed by. We should practice to appreciate the simple and usual things that are available right here and now.

If our father and mother, our grandfather and grandmother are still alive, we can be happy about that. If our children are still living with us, if they haven‘t left home yet to study in another city and to live their own life, that can be a source of happiness for us. During the time our children play pleasurably and create a lot of noise, we often feel distracted and exhausted by them. But when we bring to mind that our children are healthy and able to frolic, the joy will naturally come up in our hearts.

Every day we practice to come back to the present moment and to ourselves, we are present and awake, we recognize and appreciate the things that we are currently having. In this way, we will for sure experience a lot of joy and happiness.

In gratitude for every moment,
We discover the ultimate happiness.
With an alert mind, in touch with life
We are dwelling in the Here and Now.

- Thay Phap Nhat

Friday, June 19, 2020

Meditationskurs am Donnerstag

In diesem Kurs erlernen wir die Grundlagen der Achtsamkeitsmeditation. Wir praktizieren Sitz- und Gehmeditation, wir singen gemeinsam meditative Lieder, lesen einen buddhistischen Text, trinken Tee und haben die Gelegenheit zum Achtsamen Austausch (auch „Dharma- Austausch“ genannt).
Donnerstags, 18:00 bis 20:00
Meditationszentrum "Dharma-Lichtung"
Hauptstr. 28 
03238 Finsterwalde, OT Pechhütte
Alle Veranstaltungen finden auf Spendenbasis statt.

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten unter

Achtsamkeitstag: Den Affengeist zähmen

Bringe Ruhe und Gelassenheit in deinen Geist!

Zeit & Ort

20. Juni, 09:30 – 16:30
Dharma Light Meditation Center, Hauptstraße 28, 03238 Finsterwalde, Deutschland

Über die Veranstaltung

Der Affengeist bezeichnet die Tendenz unseres Geistes, herumzuspringen zwischen Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft, zwischen verschiedenen Projekten, die wir gerade verfolgen und zwischen Rollen, die wir ausüben. Ein Ziel der Meditation ist es, Ruhe in diesen bewegten Geist zu bringen und die Kontrolle über den Affengeist zurückzugewinnen.
Hinweis: Zur Mittagszeit werden wir ein Picknick machen. Um die Ansteckungsgefahr zu verringern, bitten wir alle TeilnehmerInnen darum, selbst etwas zu Essen für die eigene Verpflegung mitzubringen. Wir teilen dieses Mal das Essen nicht miteinander. Für Getränke ist gesorgt.
Diese Veranstaltung ist auf Spendenbasis.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Thay Phap Nhat Speaks About Dying

Dharma Talk during the meditation class

Body and Mind are One

Thay Phap Nhat speaks about mindfulness, awareness, body and mind during the meditation class in the Dharma Light Monastery.

We Have a New Website!

Dear friends,

From now on you can find information about our meditation center, upcoming events as well as inspiring videos, storys and articles on our new website:

Check it out!